Refurbishment progressing well!
28/11/24 - We had a good catch up meeting today with the builders and architect. We have a target completion date of 15th May 2025 and we will plan to open early June - exciting! A month in to the project and a month’s worth of work done - so far so good.
Now the hall and stage are stripped out - ready for the walls to be insulated and underfloor heating to be installed - you get a real sense of how big and open the main hall will be - any thoughts how you would like to see the space used? Email us on
Planning for the opening in the New Year.
By the time the Christmas break is over we will begin to plan for the opening and the programme of activities for the first few months from June 2025 onwards.
WE NEED HELP! If you want to get involved in the planning of the programme, have ideas, or you would like to use the centre yourself for running groups, courses and creative activities that will benefit the people of Bingham - then get in touch!
email us on: laabingham@gmailcom